Enablers India
New Delhi
ph: +918800739953
alt: +919818423259
Enablers India provide support to Educational Institutions by offering specialized services. Our aim is to strengthen the institutions through providing consultancy, conducting Faculty development workshops and acting as knowledge partner in creating special academic events.
Details of our offerings for schools can be found at Schools
We help Educational Institutes and Schools to improve the quality by following services.
Enablers conduct Faculty Development Workshops and Advanced Seminars for developing domain expertise further for different disciplines in Management Institutes. Disciplines covered are Marketing, Human Resources, Finance, Operations and Supply Chain.
These workshops bring the faculty to the cutting edge of the discipline by exposing them to the latest industry practices.
Recently we conducted a Faculty Development Workshop on Competency Mapping and Development Centres for Professors of MBA Classes at ITS, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad
Enablers India acts as Knowledge Partner with Management Institutes in organizing conferences for MBA students and bring the Industry Experts to share their latest challenges and initiatives.
For a conference, a specific theme is chosen and experts related to the theme from different industry sectors are invited.
Enablers conduct following programmes for in-service training of teachers.
1.Teacher Effectiveness through MBTI
2. Personal Effectiveness (including Time Management)
3. Stress Management For Program profile, please click here.
Copyright 2022 Enablers India. All rights reserved.
Enablers India
New Delhi
ph: +918800739953
alt: +919818423259